

Korean Crossroads DTS

Korean Crossroads DTS

Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world

About the Course

Are you at the crossroads searching for your destiny? Invest your five months encountering God and his faithfulness and start your adventure for the rest of your journey. Meet friends and families who will walk with you in pursuit of following Jesus. Learn to empower others to serve beyond their expectation for the nations.

당신은 지금 삶의 목적을 찾는 교차로에 있습니까? 하나님을 알아가며 그분의 신실하신 인도하심을 경험하기 위해5개월을 헌신해 보십시오. 남은 인생의 여정이 하나님을 신뢰하는 믿음의 모험으로 시작될 것입니다. 예수님을 따라가는 발걸음에 함께 걸어갈 친구, 가족을 만나게 되실 것입니다. 서로 세워주고 비젼의 나눔을 통해서 우리의 기대치를 초월하는 놀라운 일들을 열방에서 보게 될 것입니다.

Program Information

Start date:


Arrival Day

Departure Date




Training Phase

Outreach Phase




School Leader


Other School Leader Emails



James & Christina Chun
Korean & English
35 years or older
What happens in this course?

Crossroads is a 5 month experience created to help you know God, find your calling, and use it to change the world.

Training Phase (3 months)

Seek God with all your heart, hear His voice and find His plan for your life.

Learn from spiritual leaders with years of experience and put your learning right into practice.

How to hear God’s voice

Encounter God in the Bible

Holy Spirit and His gifts

Worship and intercession

How to preach the Gospel

Repentance and forgiveness

Outreach Phase (2 months)

Travel the world with a team, meet real needs and show people the love and power of the gospel.

In the outreach phase you will experience new cultures, work alongside local believers and lead people to Jesus.

Teach the Bible

Change lives with God

Learn other cultures

Help others to follow Jesus

Serve local believers

Face fear and take risks

What makes us unique?

Encounter God—하나님과의 만남

Be overwhelmed by God’s love and power through intimacy.
하나님과 친밀함을 통해 넘치는 사랑과 능력안에 사는 삶

Intercultural Family—다문화안에서 가족이 되어가기

Empower and honor diversity and unity
다양성과 하나됨을 추구하며 존중의 문화 세워가기

Empowerment—능력의 부여

Impact societies and the nations with the heart of God
하나님의 열정으로 사회와 열방을 변화시키는 삶

Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world ·  Korean Crossroads DTS ·  Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world ·  Korean Crossroads DTS ·  Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · Championing Koreans to fulfill the Great Commission across the world · Korean Crossroads DTS · 

Vaccination disclaimer

In accordance with State Law, all students and student children must present proof of age appropriate vaccinations in order to attend any program at the University of the Nations—YWAM UofN Kona. Please click here for the vaccination requirements.

Accreditation disclaimer

THE UNIVERSITY OF THE NATIONS IS NOT ACCREDITED BY AN ACCREDITING AGENCY RECOGNIZED BY THE UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF EDUCATION.  Admission to the University of the Nations (U of N) and any of its sponsored programs is open to qualified individuals regardless of race, color, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, and educationally unrelated handicaps. U of N reserves the right to change schedules and course offerings as deemed necessary.